Firefighters to the Rescue!
Today we had a special surprise for the boys and girls in Nursery. A fire engine came! The firefighters told us lots of information about keeping safe and showed us what they have to do in an emergency. We got to see some our family members in their role including Cali and Eimear's Daddies and Lexi and Eoin's Granda! We got to pretend we were extinguishing fires with the hose, we climbed aboard the fire engine and even got to try on their helmets. It was the best day ever! A big thank you to all at Carnlough Fire Service for organising and volunteering to come to the Nursery today, we really appreciate this. We can't wait to act out firefighter roles next week in Nursery outside as well as painting some of our fire engines!
Mrs McCracken kindly let the P.7 girls help out in the afternoon, they showed excellent patience and guidance with the nursery boys and girls and were a fantastic help. Thank you girls- we hope to continue developing your mentoring and leadership skills with our little ones throughout the year!